Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Working out does wonders for optimism!

I woke up at an ungodly hour this morning. 5:15 am to be precise but I'm in such a good mood because of it. Who knew? I got to the gym early and did a one mile run to warm up before Yoga. I've done that once before and don't know why I don't make it a weekly habit. My time was closer to 11 minutes per mile which is fast for me. (I'm totally happy to be called the world's slowest runner) Yoga was about average this morning, I was trying not to push myself too far since I want to do weights tonight. My arms get really tired when I hold them up too long, gee I'm so weak! Then after Yoga I did 1.5 miles very slowly, like 12:30 pace with five minutes to walk afterward and lots of stretching. Stretching being my favorite and the bane of my husband's existence.
Since earlier this week I did 2.5 miles I figured doing another 2.5 would help even things out. Five miles so far this week? Way better than last week already! Looks like ten miles is totally do-able for the week. I wish it was easier to get my endurance up, what I wouldn't give to run 3 or 4 miles a few times a week, my weekly mileage would shoot through the roof!
So I ran, did my Yoga, and here I am at work and I've already practiced for about 30 minutes. Take that Beethoven. You won't be the master of me! Because of this crazy endorphin based good mood of mine I'm an invincible pianist. An invincible pianist who wants a milk shake.

I've had this obsession with ice cream lately that I really need to nip in the bud. Today my rule is, you want ice cream? Here's some yogurt. Oh and because I'm the blond that I am, driving home from working out this morning I put two and two together. Frozen Yogurt... Frozen. Yogurt. I can do that at home? Is it really just frozen yogurt? Is that what it would taste like if I froze my Yoplait? Holy cow why didn't someone break this down for me earlier?!

In other news I'm trying to figure out new hair do's while growing out my own. Today is the hot curler look which not only gives me amazing volume but according to my adorable wonderful husband makes me look like a 1940's movie star! Sweet!

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