Thursday, July 9, 2009

Red Beans and Rice

Today has marked a very important date in Huxley history. He is now too big to run and hide under our chairs, couches, and cedar chest. In his attempt to get away from Chuchill this morning I found Huxley's back end sticking out from the side of the cedar chest with the big dog just staring at it puzzled. I guess he does seem a little bit bigger to me. I got a great picture of them cuddling which they do from time to time.
I also made the mistake of trying to cook for my husband a traditional southern meal. (A mistake I often make at the expense of my humility) This time Jaime asked for 'Red Beans and Rice'. I was like.. please! That's so easy a monkey could do it. We have rice all the time and we both like black beans, so how hard is it to mix in the red beans? I even remembered without writing it down (a huge feet for me, just ask my husband) to buy a can of red beans at the store next time I went. When my husband came home from work he found this waiting on him.

Note the water splatters on my shirt, I was cooking hard. And I obviously missed the point of Red Beans and Rice. Apparently it isn't just rice and red beans. Who knew? According to a recipe you have to have junk like garlic and other veggies, and even chicken stock. Sheesh, these southern people really need to get things straight. Shrimp and Grits? It's not as simple as you think it sounds. Red Beans and Rice? Get a life. Well let me tell you that we did have red beans and rice, only it was just red beans and rice.. and some really nice asparagus that Jaime thought was "too salty!". Right before we ate I got a shot of this adorable family. It's a pity that their eyes look like little lasers.
In other news I not only did the dishes, one and a half loads of laundry, vacuumed but I also washed the hardwoods. Our apartment couldn't feel any cleaner, unless I changed the sheets on the bed. There is always something to clean. And for those of you who are curious, I had yogurt tonight instead of ice cream and I've got a little tupperware container ready to freeze over night. Frozen. Yogurt?! Woah.


  1. MMMMM Red beans and rice, one of my favorite dishes. I think I've seen it done the beans cooked with hamhock or bacon too. It's usually served with some fine southern pit barbeque :)YUM! Let me know how the frozen yogurt turns out :)

  2. AWW! Love your red beans and rice story! Also, the pic. of your hubby w/ the pups is precious too! :) haha...little lasers for eyes.
    You're a hoot, chica! :D

    Glad all is well! :D
