Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Another one seriously?

First I started out with Xanga... then too many people infiltrated it and someone actually tried to witness to me by posting comments to my entries. Even if I wasn't already 'saved' posting comments on my blog isn't going to do it for me so, no thanks. Then I decided that I would get smart and get a Wordpress account because hey, that sounds nifty and smartish. Well it's actually really nice but I started writing really deep things.. and I figured that if I was going to start a blog that other people would actually read it might need to be along the lines of PG-emotionally. Not that emotions are a bad thing, just saying. Plus I'm a blog whore and I've read countless blogs while *at work* and the majority of them are blogs. This way I can have my own, leave some cute comments, and the people I stalk can now stalk me.
The title of my blog is Here We Go Go Go because I once had a student who wrote me a "book of pomes", pretty sure that was supposed to be poems but hey, she was a first grader. Several of the poems ended in 'Go go go!' so I figured it fit. Plus, I'm what I call a novice runner so I really do try to 'go go go' and I'm about to finish up my second year of marriage in a town I didn't grow up in so both of those things do fall under the category of my life go go going if you will.
Enjoy. I'll update as often as I can.
I recently read a blog of someone who updates almost everyday and included pictures and I really liked that idea so I'm going to do it too! I don't know how yet but I'm going to do it.
So this is me and Aldous Huxley who always looks a little down in the dumps. This picture could also be titled "Check out my BLING!"

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