Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Alma Mater

Today after much hemming and hawing Jaime and I took the boys down to our Alma Mater for a good run around. Huxley ate leaves and Churchill drank fountain water. Such civilized little creatures.We went out for mexican food and there were what seemed like hundreds of little children running all over the place. These were the kind of kids that you don't like in multiples of one much less tens of them. I think I've decided that I am the kind of person who doesn't like other peoples kids. Everything that they did annoyed me and every word out of their tiny dirty food covered mouths sounded like they were talking through a megaphone. Bleh. I mean, don't get me wrong, I look forward to having our own child someday but these kids were horrible. I hope I don't hate my friend's kids (Sorry Pregnant-Lindsey!). I'm pretty sure that they will be ok. Which also made me think of the kids at church on Sundays. Every female child under the age of five had a bow in her hair. EVERY. ONE. OF. THEM. Gross. I will seriously have to contemplate our church desicion if we are going there when we are pregnant.
Enough baby talk.
So today is a moody weird bad day. I think it's because I haven't run in a long time. I haven't lifted since the weekend and because this weekend is a holiday it looks like I won't lift then either. I'm going to have some major running to do on Sunday evening and trust me, I'm looking forward to it.
Since I'm in a bad mood I'll post something that really bugs me. The online journal's I've read about runners sounds like they just put on their gear and go. Me? I have to drive for fifteen minutes to find a safe rather non hilly place. I'm so jealous I could spit. If I did run straight from our apartment I would have three rather detrimental hills to conquor plus I'll have to run through little mexico and we all know how liberal those hispanics are with their come hither whistling. Not what I want to hear around mile two. So poo on you fellow online bloggers who can just walk outside your front door and take off.

1 comment:

  1. Precious photos of your pooches! They are awesome photos, really! :)
    Glad you were able to take them out....good for you and them. :)
    As for other people's children (haha)funny description, though it is true a lot of the time, weird how that may be sometimes.
    Yeah, some places just aren't conducive for running (or biking...:( ) I hear ya. Yeah, staying away from 'Little Mexico' as you said, is probably safer! :) Though, if it's safe to run the hills in your area, you could try them for more of a challenge perhaps? :)
    Glad to see you posting - whatever the topics. :)
