Sunday, November 29, 2009

I think I just made about a million cookies :) Seriously. But I love making cookies so that's a good thing. I also finished several projects that I was working on. The CC girls are doing a holiday gift exchange and I finally finished my lucky lady's gift wrapping and sealing up etc. I feel like I've gotten so many things done today! Plus I've been really good about saving money in my spending account and now I feel like a billionaire. You know that feeling when you can splurge on something and it's not a big deal? I love it. This must be what it feels like to be rich with cash ;)

I've been doing lots of sewing lately, trying to catch up on some things, finish others, and think about starting even more :) Isn't that what sewing is all about? Also, bonus!, I think that I will be able to attend the next Birmingham quilter's guild meeting. I've never asked for time off to just do something for me before and my boss laughed when I told him what I wanted to do. Because school is finished soon for the holiday's there will be more than enough people to cover my hours which is wonderful. It's wonderful to think that I could have a morning free to do something that isn't work for me at all, it's just something that I love doing. And aren't these colors pretty together?

As always I have my sewing companions with me. Lately Huxley has been my shadow but on this evening they both decided to join me :) Have I ever mentioned how much I love having dogs? The only downside is how loud they are... and they can get pretty loud. They are watch dogs, it's what they are supposed to do right? How adorable is this picture? He just reached prime age for neutering so that will be done in the next month or two, poor little man. I found him laying like this, half way under the bed, those little legs were just too much for me to resist.

The dogs are sleeping and Jaime is finishing up some downloadable content for Boarderlands... it's all about zombies! Mmmm Brains. I don't have the grocery list with me but I'll update you on that. It came out to be around $66 which is $6 over what we have budgeted... we did get some extra things though like, a very large container of coffee for me. I swear that Walmart brand French Roast is the best coffee I've had apart from Dunkin Donuts and O'Henry's. For serious. It also goes really well with a mocha mix that I use from time to time. A little bit of that and a little bit of milk makes for an extra special morning.

Something about being home in Birmingham stresses me out just the slightest. I can't quite put my finger on it but it feels like when I'm here there is something that needs to be done ALL THE TIME. I could be cleaning, I could fold laundry, I could sweep the back porch, I really need to vacuum. The list goes on and on and on. I know this sounds funny but I think part of it is because I'm married. I feel like when Jaime's around we have to be doing things together, or if he's enjoying himself with video games or playing guitar or something that I can't be relaxing at all. I don't feel like that all the time but every now and then it really gets to me. Like today, I can't sit still. I don't know what I want to do to relax.. I guess I feel like unless my to-do list gets done I can't relax. The only problem is that my to-do list is never ending :) I do that to myself don't I? Makes me wonder if anyone else knows what that is like.

The dogs are spooning, they've been very cuddly lately; their little faces all mashed up next to each others. I got a great picture this weekend of Churchill as a sheep :) How adorable is that? We have these fleece parts that we bought when my family went to Scotland and Churchill didn't seem to mind if I pretended he was a sheep. So for posterity's sake I took lots of pictures.

Lots of things happened between Thursday morning and Saturday evening but unfortunately some of the things that didn't happen was time spent with my aunts, uncles, and, most of all, cousins. Wade and Miriam made several posts on my Facebook wall that made me really realize how wonderful it is to see my cousins every year (except this year). Some of the things that did happen, Churchill was turned into a sheep, Alabama won the Iron Bowl, ROLL TIDE!, and we visited some of our family out in Nauvoo. My mother always pronounces that nuvooo instead of Naw voo, emphasis on the Naw Mom:). Nauvoo was pretty much exactly like this picture, so whatever you take out of the picture is what our Thanksgiving was like :) An adventure and kind of crazy.

Churchill has demanded to ride in the front seat on the most recent car rides. He'll use any tactic he can, putting his head on your shoulder from the back seat, pawing at your arm, down to just giving us really dirty looks until we tell him to "come on" to the front seat. Maybe it's how he deals with being jealous of the other dog. Maybe it's his way of making sure that Hux knows who the Alpha is. It usually works, I can't stand him crying at me from the back seat for hours or trying to sneak into our laps (like we don't know he's there). Huxley, however, is way too happy to just sit in the back, he's a real dog, not a person-animal.

Something right happened with my camera on this shot, it was clear, colorful, and perfect looking. Maybe I need a new camera... maybe I'm just not a good photographer :) Either way I was pleased to see that this turned out well.

1 comment:

  1. You think you can't relax now? Just wait! I will go a whole day at home (my regular every day) and realize at the end of the day I haven't sat down once. Not once. Ever since the baby was born I even eat standing up multi-tasking. It's my new thing to sit down and eat lunch AND dinner!

    Your sheep dog is rediculously cute. But you already knew that.
