Thursday, November 12, 2009

Teeth and Thoughts

So today I have to go to the dentist. That's one of the problems with being a music teacher. I have all these kids lined up for lessons after school and then something happens like the dentist, or the doctor. Then I have to go through and cancel lessons for the day and move people around, it's like unraveling a sweater. This whole week I spent way too much time trying to figure out if I should cancel the dentist and reschedule it or cancel the lessons and reschedule them. I went back and forth about a million times. I thought, maybe they will have an opening in December when I won't be teaching lessons but honestly, something else would come up for me to cancel it for again.
My husband says that I have a problem being absent minded. I know I have a problem with it, it's like thoughts are just rushing through my mind and if I jump up I might grab one before it gets away but what if I didn't grab the right one? What if I forgot about which one I was supposed to have? Jaime tells me to simply finish what I'm working on and if I'm not doing something and something comes to mind do it right away. Case in point, checking the mail. I'll look through the mail, see something that needs to be attended to but then realize that I haven't let the dogs out. Five days later I find out that I forgot to pay the water bill. (This has never really actually happened, we always pay our bills on time, this is just an example) Similar things, however, do happen. Just ask my husband. I lose my cell phone about five times a day too.
So I decided to man-up and go to the dentist and was able to rearrange my teaching schedule fairly easily. I was so pleased with myself. But now I'm nervous about the dentist, and not nervous in the way you might think I'm nervous. I'm not really afraid of the drills or weird noises or that it's going to hurt me. I'm afraid of two things... three things. One is simple. I have these teeth that love to hold onto things when I eat them. One little crevice in particular loves to hold onto little pieces of gum after I've spat it out. Jaime always has to check my teeth after I chew gum. Oh gosh and after I eat any leafy greens my teeth seem to have kept half of the food to themselves! My mouth is riddled with it. I guess that's why they give you toothpicks. The thing is, I just ate a whole bunch of broccoli and now I'm wondering if I should let them know ahead of time, there might be leftovers in my teeth.
The second thing I worry about is cavities. Back in May I decided to go a whole month without sugar, if I could help it. Like, no candy, no sugar in coffee or tea, no desserts. Obviously there is sugar in somethings like plain cheerios, even veggies and fruits. Those were ok. The point is, my dental appointment was after that month and for the first time IN MY LIFE I had no cavities. This time, the dental appointment is after Halloween. It's after six bags of candy. It's after yesterday where I ate a whole large bag of m&ms. I brush, and I floss, and I also use that mouthwash stuff. We all know that I'm not going to stop eating candy any time soon so I guess that's the best I can do for now.
Third thing. Again with the candy. I love smarties. My husband tells me that I'm the only person who likes them but I know someone else does, Mom! See? More than one. The only problem is that I eat smarties with my front teeth, like a squirell eats a nut. This is the way that I do it, I'm not changing. Obviously I like doing it this way. Problem is though, that it wears the enamel on my teeth down.. and I've had two fillings done on my front teeth already. The other problem is that one of those fillings fell out a few months back.. My dentist tried to convince me that my bite was messed up and that I needed 'orthodontics' which is fancy talk for braces. I just told him, look, I've done the braces thing, I like my teeth the way they are, I like the way I eat, I'm sorry you have a problem with it but do the filling already ok?
I don't want another filling. I want God to send me four new teeth, the kind that doesn't wear away when you chew with them. Teeth made out of steel, but pearly white. Got that God? Ok good.

In general news today finds me rather frustrated. I think that I'm the kind of person that thinks they are right about things.. I mean, knows they are right about things. My way is better kind of thing. Is that Type A? There are things that I usually know I'm right about and when people ignore what I have to say I get really frustrated. This used to happen all the time with my college roommate. Love you! But she was the personality that just-didn't-give-a-you-know-what. That was frustrating. The other day I was driving with my husband to the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 release (yes, it was at midnight, yes we stood in line in the freezing rain and yes I was one of the only girls there). He went around his behind to get to his elbow while driving. Now I love my husband and adore him so usually when he drives these crazy directions to get us somewhere and it takes twice as long I really don't mind. Because I love him you see? But most other people I don't love that much, so I'll let them know, You're going the wrong way, you know that, right? You are aware there are better ways of doing things, right?

It's this type of thinking that gets me in trouble. Not really trouble, but in uncomfortable situations. Having this mindset that I'm right about something makes me blind to people who aren't going to let their thoughts run as freely as mine. So I end up feeling like I've trampled over something really delicate. I said in my last post I talked about how I shouldn't be worried about what people think as much and I usually am not (just for some reason this blog got a little bit weird for me so I had to change it) and I'm not worried that someone would disagree with me because ususally when someone disagrees with me it means that they are wrong and it will be worse for them in the end. Because I'm always right. But this isn't always true! And that's what's so frustrating right now. There are some topics that are opinions, lots of topics. Things like, how to live your life, when to get married, what to major in in college, these things are opinion topics. Which way is the quickest way to Best Buy is not an opinion. But I'm stuck between 'My opinion is right' and 'Your opinion is different but also right' and I hate it.

I'm also beating around the bush. What I'm trying to say is that I feel very strongly about many things and usually when someone disagrees with me I don't worry about it but lately people have disagreed with me and I have worried about it. And that my friends is frustrating. This morning I thought it over and the more and more I thought about it the more I felt like I was cornered. That I was the only person who felt this way and everyone thought I was silly. I know that not everyone thinks I'm silly for feeling this way, but it's difficult for me to admit that my way is not 100% correct that there are many ways to get up to the mountain, I just perfer a certain path. And I want to say, if you don't want to walk the path that I chose then find your own way up. Mine's better though. Mine's prettier, it has better views. And see? Here I am back at the beginning trying to push my way on someone.
You see the problems I'm having? I like to think that because I think I'm right about lots of things (and by the way, if I don't know what I'm talking about I'll always let you know, I know that I'm right about the things I'm right about, get it?) it makes me a good teacher. So there are some good things that come of this I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. are hilarious! :)
    I loved your post!

    Two...well I guess I have to actually sorta 'disagree' in a way with you on your 'I'm always right' portion..
    I only say that because, I have a co worker that I have to work fairly closely with and she's that sort of person that thinks her way is the only way to do things, though she says that 'you can do whatever you want', but still makes me feel like I'm wrong for not doing something her way. :( She's not as pleasant a person as I've found you to be though, SO I think that there can be different types of 'Type A' that's good. :)
    I guess I say that as well b/c I don't want to feel you're anything like my co worker! haha. :) She's a difficult person and I don't feel that you are. So, I'm not going to say you are the same sort of 'Type A' I refuse to believe that!
    I care about you! Her...hmm...sorta. haha.

    Anyway....I don't know if that made any sense?

    Oh..and for the record, I too have that absent minded aka gets off track really easy sort of mind set. :) For me, it's I start one thing, then go to another in the middle then either never finish my 1st thing or it takes me a lot longer to finally finish that 1st thing. haha.
    Smarties are good. :)
    Yeah, I hear ya on the cavities!!!! Good luck!
    My dentist appt. is just before Thanksgiving!

    Well, anyway, deary..;D have a great day! Great post...again. :)
