Sunday, November 15, 2009

Owl City

So I think I'm getting sick. Every time I swallow it hurts on one side. I really hope that this passes without a real sickness coming on, you know like sometimes your throat just hurts but then it goes away. I've been paranoid about getting the flu all fall semester with all the little ones that I teach, hands where my hands are people coughing and sneezing around me. :) I've been a Clorox queen on my piano and using hand sanitizer like it's going out of style. The sad thing about this is that I didn't teach on Thursday because of the dentist so I probably didn't get this sickness while teaching.. I just wasn't careful enough. But who am I kidding, I'll swallow fine by tonight.

Someone logged onto my facebook account at work and messed it up. I'll admit that I must not have signed out on Friday when I left. But that doesn't give someone free reign to go through it does it? My co-workers leave their facebooks up all the time. Once I put something in their status bar like Cory is the shiz or something silly like that. The person who changed me (and the reason I'm just so frustrated by it) put things in my profile like, interested in women (ha ha) or 'Hates all Religion' and other things. But they didn't stop there, they started inviting tons of people to be my friend. I'm still going through and unfriending people. I'm a really big fan of only being friends with people on your facebook if you're actually friends with them, not if you know them kind of thing. But this person friended friended people I used to go to church with as a child, very conservative people, and they also friended tons of my students (don't ask how they found them because I'm still figuring that out). I'm very tempted to have a conversation with my boss over this because that's my job. I teach children, they don't understand jokes like, Carrie is interested in women, or Carrie hates all religion. That's my reputation. And sure you can say, well you left your facebook open. I know, that part is my fault but does that give someone the permission to go through and do something like that? That's like a burgler coming into your house and saying, well your window was open so it's free reign.

But in the good parts of my life I got to have Mexican food for lunch yesterday :) AND Alabama crushed Mississippi. I'm enjoying the games more and more the more that I understand what's going on. Plus it doesn't hurt that the end score was something like 31-3. I mean, watching a team as good as Alabama makes watching football way easier. Plus this time I didn't fall asleep in an evening game. I usually doze off, it's hard sitting on the couch for three hours!

I also had a really good conversation with my husband while driving home from a friend's house Friday night. We had briefly talked about goals that we have for our lives while there. The kind of thing if money, time, or locations weren't in the way what would you want to do with your life. His answer kind of lacked substance in my opinion and he finally said, I don't know, I don't really have any goals. Then he talked about being able to leave something to his children, pocket watches, something small and nice. I love that he always comes back to that. Wanting to leave something to his children because let's be honest, I want to have his babies! But on the drive back he asked me what mine would be and I said that I would like to own some land. I'd like to have a few farm animals, goats, sheep, maybe some chickens, a few more dogs. Jaime added horses to the list. I'd like to have room enough to garden. I'd like to be able to maybe someday have a dairy cow. It was a lot of fun to talk with him about something we both dream about someday having. Who knows if it will ever happen but it's nice to sit with my husband and imagine what it would be like if this dream came true. I mean, it's more than nice. It's that most comfortable place you can think of, it's everything is going right, it's total satisfaction. That's how I felt in the car as he drove me home. So many times marriage can seem like there are two people who are very different but live together and we mash our feelings and thoughts together to try to make one thing out of them. It's like braiding different ideas together and saying that they are one idea. Jaime and I aren't the kind of people who hide what we think or feel from people, we'll just let you know how it's going down. So our 'braid of ideas' never really convinces anyone that we see the same way about anything. But Friday night while we were driving we weren't braiding anything together, it was like floating down a stream of thoughts and dreams and futures, going the exact same way, effortlessly.
I know that I'm probably over romanticising this and Jaime might dry heave when he reads it ;) But it really was an amazing moment. Those good moments will make our marriage last longer I think.

I'm so excited about the Christmas season. Jaime and I are going to try to make new traditions for us as a family (us and our dogs). This is the first year that we won't be spending Christmas day in Anderson and I've figured that the best way to cope with this is to just let things happen and just roll with it. So part of this will be new traditions. Small traditions, but perhaps traditions that will last us the rest of our lives. Who knows. Like my parents, they bought these red ball christmas ornaments their first year of marriage and they still put them on the tree. They might not have thought at the time that years and years later they would still be putting those up but they are, and it's meaningful now. I think this year we should finally go out and get stockings for ourselves. Maybe someday I'll actually get around to quilting some stockings for us. I realized that we always have stockings at my parents and this year that it will be earlier than Christmas when we get those, wouldn't it be nice to still have a stocking on Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day? I'm so excited about Christmas. I want to put up the tree right now. :) Our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. It's Huxley's first Christmas :)

I'm rambling :) I have a wedding to play this afternoon and I want to finish piecing all the blocks for the quilt I'm working on. That's a lot of work but I think that I have enough time tonight do that. It's been taking forever to get these blocks together. I guess that's what you get when you work all the time. December will be a good month for sewing I have a feeling.

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