Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cookies round one!

So to fix the cookie delima I took two different pieces of advice. 1. I used a different recipe, thanks Lindsey. Instead of using the Joy of Cooking I used a Pillsbury recipe. 2. Like many people said, I chilled the dough for about 20 minutes before cooking.

I followed the directions exactly, besides this is the scientific method after all right? It said to mix the butter, sugar, and all that non floury stuff until it was light and fluffy. So I did.

I guess it's light and fluffy. I don't know how light and fluffy you can make a stick and a half of butter (and yes this recipe was halved.. if I didn't I'd be feeding the whole neighborhood chocolate chip cookies about now). That's one thing that I noticed. Joy of Cooking has much smaller servings, the entire dough was less than half of what Pillsbury ended up with. Maybe that has to do with our 'larger' culture. You know, how McDonald's small drink's were the original cup size? Anyway, cookies.

I thought that the dough turned out looking much harder than the previous cookie experience. maybe it was because the butter was still cold? But I swear the butter was still cold this weekend when I did it. Oh well, let the past be the past. I was really pleased with the dough, I mean, THIS looks like cookie dough. Maybe not as tasty dough though... this weekends failure dough was pretty darn tasty.

I chilled them before putting them on the rack. Look how cute they are all ready to be baked and all. Oh dear.. look how dirty my oven is.. maybe you shouldn't look at how dirty the oven is. I was very impressed with these cookies. They actually came out looking normal this time! So changing the recipe and chilling works wonders. Good to know. Now what I need to work on is taste. These are alright.. like almost an 8 out of 10 but not quite a 10.. I don't know how to change taste, how do I make it taste more like a cookie and less like bread? Did I inherit this?


  1. You need to learn from the pros on taste. Try this recipe next time.

  2. They look delish. Did you remember the vanilla?

  3. Oh yes! Vanilla is prob. my favorite part. It makes them taste so good.
    Rennai I'm going to try to work on that one while I watch the Alabama Homecoming Game :)
