Monday, August 31, 2009

Groceries... oh no

I'm sorry to announce that I will not be posting a grocery list for this week. My husband and I found out a week ago that we will be moving and just last Wednesday found a new home. A wonderful home! We're very excited to be moving into a townhouse not too far from where we lived this past year. Because of this we are not keeping track of our eating and goodness we are not being very healthy. I can tell you that under the piles of frozen pizzas are frozen veggies in those steam-able baggies, apples, bananas, Fiber One knock off bars etc. But there are still frozen pizzas.. and we will eat them.
We started moving on Thursday and everything organization wise has just gone down the drain so I'm not keeping up with food, just bare minimum on money and cooking time. Plus almost all of our stuff is at the new place so I can't toast anything or bake anything or use anything that would need flour or sugar.. you know the drill. We're hoping to move our mattress over on Wednesday if we can so we can 'stay' at the new place. The mammoth headboard to our bed will have to come later. So maybe by Wednesday we can have some peace and some normal eating.

Good news is that I think I might have some tomatoes. Yes, I'm done with the potatoes. We did have a 'crop' but I wasn't brave enough to eat them. Tomatoes form from blossoms on the tomato plant and I'm proud to say that I have two full blossoms and several others budding.

We have also taken on the project of painting an 'accent wall' in the new place, a deep chocolate brown, and then hanging curtains over the sliding glass doors on that wall. I'm very impressed and love the way it turned out. Now if we could just get a few pieces of furniture in there!

How are the dogs doing in the midst of all these boxes and packing supplies? They have both taken to pooing on the floor lately. I think it's their way of rebelling just a little bit. I mean.. wouldn't you? Surrounded by cardboard boxes, familiar things suddenly disappear, it's a crazy mess. I can clean up the poo, no problem, I'm just thankful that they aren't eating things or throwing up, that would be an entirely different ordeal. When they come to the new townhouse they have a blast. They run up and down the stairs and round and round in the living room. I think they are happy to have carpet and a little more traction than the hardwood they are used to. Jaime and I are simply thankful that we have no upstairs or downstairs neighbors that they can disturb.
Which reminds me! The other day while unpacking our cars our new neighbor, Cindy or Cheryl or something, came out with her little dog and he was barking up a storm. She apologized over and over and said, I'm so sorry, my dog just barks a lot. I smiled and said, that's ok, I've got two that bark like that :) We'll be the best of friends by this time next week I'm sure.

So that is what has been going on in our lives lately, and why I'm not posting a detailed list of our groceries, even though I'm sure that you are VERY interested in that. I did spend less than $45.00 which is good, we'll make up for that with ordering pizza I'm sure.. did I say pizza again? We love the stuff. Love it love it love it.

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