Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's September and we've moved!

I know that it's been far far too long without updates from your favorite, moi, so I took a whole bunch of pictures to make up for it :). We've been busy moving the past two weeks. Plus there was the crazy piano cult that I had to host this past week and someone turned 25... ahem. So we were busy busy bees but now I think we're getting the hang of it and I'm really really excited to be here living in this townhome.

You will now begin your journey through our very very messy house, hey we just moved and celebrated the quarter of a century girl last night so chill.

This is the outside of our humble abode. I even found out that they allow gardening here so I may be planting some fall and winter flowers :) to keep my days a little brighter you know? So now we have our very own front steps up to our front door and a light outside in case you can't find your way in the dark. Up above you can see the windows into our bedroom. The middle one is where I'm beginning my sewing station so I have some things stacked up there. The window next to the door is a window into our kitchen, which I have to say, I really like. It's nice to be able to look outside when I'm cooking.

So I don't know if you noticed but on my front door step is a tomato plant and yesterday, for my birthday of course, I started to get one little baby tomato! So I took his picture.. he's kinda hard to see but I'm uber proud.

Inside you'll probably get to meet these guys. This is totally normal posture. Churchill always looks very calm while ignoring the moster on his back, Huxley, who is biting his back. I'm not kidding either, sometimes he bleeds but I swear we aren't bad parents. Churchill is just that loving and patient. I have a feeling that some day Huxley is going to get his fair share. Oh and Mom, if you're reading this, I picked out this floor mat because it reminded me of the ones we had in the kitchen growing up :) Love you!

This is the door you just came in, into our home! The guy that owns the place went on and on about the cappuccino colored walls and how thrilled he was about the two toned. He was very high energy. So here we have what's going to be our pantry tucked in that little corner next to the front door, and a guest bathroom. The red cookbook is sitting on top of the 'wet bar' which you'll see more of. Were these things built in the 70's or what?! Oh and Aunt Nancy, if you're reading this, do you see the purse you made for me years ago? I still use it, it's wonderful, and it's in the bottom of the photo :) Oh and one more thing. Jaime and I finally got two of his aunt's paintings framed, we were very excited with the way they turned out, so that's hanging on the wall!

Ok here is our kitchen! It's small but it's got everything that I need. Note the wet bar in the back.. what the heck am I going to do with that. Also.. Lindsey, thanks for the strawberry and chocolate cupcakes with gummy bears, you know me so well and the strawberry wasn't nearly as adventurous as it sounded at first! You wouldn't believe that they are pretty much half eaten since that box looks very full still... thank you a ton, you really helped make my day special :) Oh and we still have to put stuff on the floor since our pantry isn't finished yet.. literally all our dry goods are on the floor.. makes for an interesting dinner making experience.

This is just to show you the other side of the kitchen :) boring boring boring...

Rather blurry but I was in a hurry. Here is the wet bar again! AND! Stairs!!! I'm so excited to have stairs it's not even funny. Seriously.

Here's a shotgun view of the place from the front door, so you can take it all in. Loving that accent wall and curtains aren't we?! Dog bowls, dog bowls, dog bowls..

Ahhh my favorite part of the whole place. This is our dining area. Don't kill me Mom and Dad, we're going to pick up a new dining room table today.. not that we don't like this one but really I need it for my sewing area, and the one from Grandma and Grandpa would be too big so we got a pub table.. I can't wait to have G&G's table when we actually have more space for it :) Dad.. do you see the Volvo coffee mug? Do you? That's what I'm talking about.
Ok, so in the piano cult I am a part of all the hoity toity people talk about their Steinways, specifically which type they have, 'I have a B series', etc. Like it makes a difference. At first I thought.. how do I not know that Steinways come in different series... I mean.. shouldn't I know that? I felt left out of the loop ya'll. BUT then I got this Yamaha you see here and I am super proud to tell everyone and anyone I meet that 'yes, this is my Yamaha U1 series', like it makes a difference to them. So now I'm my own type of hoity toity piano talker. You'll just have to bare with me. Yes it's a U1 and yes I love it! I talk about the U1 like it's gold plated or something, like I know what I'm doing because I have a U1. Nothing you can do will spoil this for me.
Rennai, very wonderful imaginary friend you are, do you see your Orchids? Do you? Because I love them. LOVE THEM.
And the painting above the piano is one of my favorites, it was our Christmas gift last year from Jaime's mom, she donated the funds and we went and picked something out. I love color, I love this painting.

TV time! And books, we love books. Mom would be proud. So we put our fancy books down here to show off how much we love books. That's Jaime's Goliath TV, we're thinking about saving up for a flat screen, not because we really need one but because this one is getting a little out of hand :) here you can also see the lovely leather furniture that my dear husband bought before we ever met. That's probably a good thing because I might not have let him do it, but I love it now. Nice accent wall right? Just call us Picasso.

Other side of the room. Another painting that Jaime's aunt did, only this one kinda creeps me out a little bit since the three figures look more like zombies than anything else, but we kinda like zombies a little bit so I guess it fits. My lovely lap top is sitting on the ottoman, it's where I talk to all my imaginary friends on a daily basis, so if you lovely lovely ladies ever wonder where I am when I'm type type typing to you, it's here, on a cozy couch.

Our huge porch that desperately needs furniture of some kind. And another tomato plant, no tomatoes on this one yet. Oh and Mom, the ivy you gave me is flourishing.. you see it?

My beloved staircase and the wonderful art that my husband hung beside it. The painting in the middle is what I got for our anniversary :) Love you Jaime!

Jaime's man cave of sorts. I'm sitting at the computer in here to upload all the photos. Note Jack Daniels (which we like but hardly ever drink) and Metalica (which we LOVE). Oh and more books. More books.

More hallway, my childhood dresser thingy that now holds cleaning supplies, but I didn't tell you that. Bedroom pics will have to wait since it's such a mess :) We're still unpacking stuff in there and setting up my little sewing station so when that is ready for viewing I promise you'll be the first to know.

Now I leave you with really the only important thing in the world. Me. and some chocolate.


  1. Your new place is so cute! I just had to tell you that my husband also had a Goliath TV when we got married, and it was in the family room for a long time. Then, we bought a flat screen (they are getting much cheaper!) and the gigantic TV, just like yours, is in my bedroom. My bedroom! Who has a TV that big in the bedroom? Someone actually insinuated that we must be watching life size adult videos on it. But we're not.

    You look so cute with your birthday cake. I really hope you had a great day!

  2. Awww, Carrie, glad for your happy memories of our....rug!! ; ) Seriously, LOVE your place and how homey it is already. Can't wait to see it in person.

  3. I LOVE your place and the molding and the 2 tone paint and the accent wall and the warmth of it! I also love the orchids!!!! I am so happy, they look awesome in your house! I also love that your mom comments, so cute!

  4. Love the photos and lovely commentary of it too! :) Adorable - you and your new place. ;) sent Carrie orchids! I wish I sent something in the mail....(hugs!)
