Monday, September 21, 2009

OMG Groceries 9/20/09

So we're back on the band wagon! After two weeks of being moved in officially and getting our lives back on track we are going to be counting those pennies and praying that we can actually make it through the week on minimal money.

Have I mentioned that there is a pizza place near where we live called Baker's Pizza. It's shameless really to solicit for them but I just can't help myself. Their pizza is so dad gum good that I can't stop thinking about it. Plus they deliver. We've ordered it twice and the second time was even better than the first. It's not difficult for me to eat half a large pizza within 15 minutes, I'm being serious here you guys. The point is, if we save some money in the grocery department that means extra Baker's Pizza for us. As one of my co-workers-who-wishes-to-remain-nameless says "Holy Moses". It's that good.

Ok on to the groceries! Keep in mind that we already have several things at home that will help us out this week, pasta, eggs, etc. Oh, we got a pantry just a few days ago (it's in the front hall closet) so now I can finally see and use what we have.

Spaghetti Seasoning Packet (for Lasagna)
Sliced Turkey (sandwiches for lunch)
Block of Cheddar Cheese (lunch..)
Large Bag of Shredded 'Mexican' Cheese - we blow through this faster than you can blink, seriously.
Ground Beef (Lasagna)
Ritz Crackers (Walmart brand, they are just as good, especially with dark chocolate peanut butter on them, I'm not even joking)
Mac and Cheese (times two)
Tomato Paste (Lasagna)
Can of Green Beans
Can of Corn
Loaf of Nature's Own Whole Wheat Bread
6 Bananas
4 Granny Smith Apples

Total: $33.04

We decided to skimp by this week on what we have left over so that we could buy more next week. We have enough things at home for breakfast burritos (one of my favorite things to eat), two Totino's Pizzas for Tuesday night. Obviously we're making lasagna, this will feed us for two nights, maybe three if I add in some extra things like veggies on the side. We also have things at home for spaghetti, including the sauce, and we have several frozen chicken breasts that might be for dinner on Thursday. All in all we have enough food to get us through the week and you bet I'm a proud wife to say I only spent $33 on my groceries, but I had to be truthful and say that we do have plenty of add on's at home :)

So our lunches consist of a sandwich and some fruit, usually an apple for me and a banana for Jaime. Is it strange to anyone else that my husband actually works with monkeys and he eats a banana every day? We both usually stop by home for a snack before we start teaching and then we have dinner so it works out well, unless Jaime eats his lunch at 9:30am which he usually does.
Breakfast is amazing, especially this week. Since word gets around that I am a seamstress of sorts people occasionally ask me to do some sewing things for them. A friend of mine needs some straps taken in and I thought, easy peasy. So when she asks how much it will cost I thought.. not much, I mean, straps aren't that hard. I told her a large bag of skittles. Payment in candy is way better than money, especially if the straps would be all of $5. You see my logic. Well this friend not only went beyond the beyond and got me the largest bag of skittles I've ever seen she also made these cupcakes.. ahem.. muffins that are cinnamon and chocolate. So breakfast.. there you go. Special K, you stay up on the fridge for another week..

Oh, and can I just say that the veggies in the frozen section that you microwave in the bag are amazing? Because we tried it once and they weren't that good. But last week I had some in the freezer and thought, why not. I think it's Bird's Eye but don't hold me to it, and I'm pretty sure it was called the Garden Medley, it had potatoes and beans in it, and it was sooo good. I mean, it was so good. Plus we had grilled chicken marinated in Dale's sliced on top of it; I'm sure that helped out a little bit. I might need to add that to next week's shopping list.

There you have it. Groceries.


  1. $33? You are my hero. I wish you could be my seamstress. It would give me an excuse to bake more :)

    And, I must ask...what exactly is Jaime doing in that picture?

  2. Does anyone know what Jaime is doing? Jaime is being Jaime. It was taken at a Samford Band get together at one of the teacher's farms. Note the flag of Finland on his shirt. Be still my heart.

    If you lived closer I'd be your seamstress for your baked goods :)
