Monday, May 3, 2010

This is one of my Bell Pepper plants. Green or Yellow, I'm not sure which. But it's sprouting some tiny baby flowers which will probably become peppers.. or maybe peppers don't even flower. What do I know.

Every one of my squash plants has blooms like this one. I have four large pots each one with two to three squashes in them. I thought about transplanting but they look so happy that I figure we're doing alright. I also have a few yellow squashes coming out :) I was really excited about that. They are so small and fuzzy. Which I guess means that the phallic symbol I found from last weeks post really is a zucchini :) I can't wait until I have actual female flowers and not just males. I'm ready for some veggies!

My favorite picture so far. My beans :) I don't even know how I'm going to cook them or what they will taste like. I'm just so excited that they wound up the little tee pee I made for them.

Isn't it amazing how they do that? They started winding up the supports within hours of my putting them there.
Jaime and I were having a conversation about God the other day. I have decided that no matter where I grew up or what religion or lack of religion I was raised in, that I would believe there is a Creator. There has to be. I can't look at these beans and not think that it's amazing that they grow like that, and that they had to have been created. Designed for a purpose. To wind up my little tee pee.

Jaime and I purchased this iron thingy that we put up on the wall. We had candles on it before all the rain came and it was very very pretty. Very relaxing. I'm trying to find ways to make the porch a comforting place to be and spend time. Not just a vegetable garden, but a place to calm down. You can grow veggies and relax at the same time right?

Over the weekend we had some storms and Monday morning I went out to walk the dogs and found this right outside our door! The dogs were curious of course. People were outside in no time taking it down limb by limb so it was cleared in a few hours. Then the dogs were really freaked out. The smells! The random pieces of wood lying around. They barked at the stump that was pulled out of the ground. The poor red bridge will never quite be the same again and I'm still not sure if it's safe to walk on.

We bought a rug from an Antique Gallery in town. Jaime said it's always been his dream to play guitar on a rug like on the stages at rock concerts and jam sessions. I was excited because I love old rugs like this and have always wanted one. Win win for us! The dogs are thrilled because it's so much fun to roll around on it. Just one more place for them to battle out their dominance. I think Churchill always wins but lately I've found him on his back with Huxley at his throat. Maybe he's just getting older. I do worry about Huxley a little bit, sometimes he's just too excited. We don't walk them enough. Yesterday he was so excited saying hello to Jaime that he bit his lip. He does that. Not bite, but he has his mouth open a lot and things happen. He also like to "hold" you with his mouth.. like.. your fingers or your wrist. Strange dog. But sweet and precious as well.. and as of today, the Beta doggie.

Jaime's trying to teach me how to drink whiskey. It's vile. It really is. I don't know how people enjoy it. But I want to be one of those people. I want to drink with the boys. I want to order something impressive at a bar and not look like I'm going to gag when I drink it. Drinking whiskey in my mind is sophisticated. Something every well learned person should learn to do. Besides you can't keep drinking Smirnoff Ice for the rest of your life can you? So on Monday night I had a shot of Drambuie, but I sipped it. I have to savor the taste. I learned that if you breath out after you swallow it gets the vapors out of your mouth. Gahh.. get the vapors out of your mouth. Can you imagine? Horrible. Last night I had Johnny Walker Red.. it was way worse. Jaime only gave me a few sips of it. Thank goodness!

We watched Julie and Julia last night. We were both disappointed. What a boring movie. The Julia Child part was interesting and I thought that it was done pretty well but still.. boring. It was like there was no arch to the story. Sure Julie's husband leaves her for a night but I didn't feel to bad for her. And sure it took Julia a long time to publish her book but.. really it wasn't suspenseful or captivating in anyway. It did however make me want to live in France. For four years at least :)

Jaime started his new job with mice so has no need for the stuffed monkeys that he had at his office. Huxley has found one to cuddle with. The other I haven't gotten a picture of, but he likes to drag that one around with Churchill. What a sweet little doggie he is. Did I tell you that he's sleeping under the covers with us? Well he did last night at least and on my side where Churchill usually sleeps. Churchill ended up between us which is just as nice. I have always heard people say that it's not good for your dogs to sleep in the bed with you, especially if you're a couple.. it's bad for sex or something. I think those people are bogus.

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