Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thrown Together Tuesday

1. I think of my dogs as humans. I compare my dogs to babies and children. I once heard a woman talk about how insulting it was to compare an animal to a human child, she obviously never owned a terrier.

2. Last night I woke up at 1 in the morning (I'm sick so I can do things like that) and my puppy Huxley was sitting on my stomach staring at me. He nosed up under my hand to force my hand to pet his little puppy head and every time I fell asleep he'd nose my hand back up to rub his head again. He finally laid down on my stomach but kept nuzzling my hand until I fell asleep and didn't wake back up until morning.

3. All the students that got rewards yesterday for being good pianists who practice picked these generic suckers. ALL OF THEM. They could have had tootsie rolls, tootsie roll pops, bubble gum, jaw breakers, smarties. They chose the most boring bland looking suckers. Every. Single. One.

4. Watching a PBS documentary on the Donner party right before bed probably isn't the best idea I've ever had. Something about cannibalism is a little creepy to me, creepy, but fascinating at the same time. But it's practical too you know, if you were lost in the California mountains freezing and starving to death and someone in your party died wouldn't you cook up their body? I mean.. it's weird but.. wouldn't you? Did you know the Donner party tagged the bodies so that they wouldn't have to eat their relatives? *shudder*

5. My nose hurts from blowing it too much. I think there is a mucus factory in my sinuses and they work overtime especially at night so that the next morning I can blow and blow and blow and stuff just keeps coming out!

6. Tonight is pizza night!

7. This weekend I was taking a shower and both my dogs jumped in with me. I think they thought it was a good opportunity to drink some water but I used it as an opportunity to bathe them as well. They never knew what was coming.

8. Jaime can't drink coke past 8pm or he'll be up all night. I can drink a coke before bed and sleep just fine.

9. I finished (finally) cutting all the pieces for the quilt I'm working on. Now they are in little stacks all color coded and ready for piecing. I put a month long halt on the project because I ran out of fabric. I've never run out of fabric before and I was so frustrated. I couldn't get past it so I kept putting it off which made it get worse and worse. When Jaime and I finally went to the store to get more fabric it only cost me $16. That was it. I put it off because of that? And now I feel all accomplished because my cutting is done!

10. I'm a little bit sad that college football season is over. Despite that fact when I went out with Jaime on Thursday night I got two Roll Tide's because of my shirt. Roll Tide.

11. Because of my mucus factory I was a mouth breather last night and now my top lip is split.

12. I love watching the show Clean House. Mayhem and Foolishness! But I realized today that there are a lot of decent looking people on that show who have rooms in their houses full of junk. How could someone live like that? How can you live in a place that isn't put together? How could you "not have unpacked for 3 years" boxes and boxes of things? Granted some people have hoarding tendencies and that's a psychological issue. But to just not clean up after yourself? Who does that?


  1. I like Clean House too. Have you ever watched Hoarders? I watched it once; it's really scary. They found two dead cat carcasses in this one woman's house under piles and piles or ancient garbage. IN HER HOUSE! WHERE SHE LIVES!

  2. lol Susan you're so funny! I did watch Hoarders!! It's very scary. It's like that documentary about the cannibals... I was really grossed out but I couldn't stop watching it!

  3. You know, the Donner party happened very close to where I live. Like 30 miles....just a piece of trivia for you :)

  4. OMG Greta... what if your town is contaminated? What if they've gotten to you? What if it's in the water. I don't think you even understand...
