Thursday, January 28, 2010

This is not only jumbled but full of complaints.

As my friend, Sarah, pointed out it's been 8 days since my last blog post which is far too long. Can I just tell you the craziness of the last few days has wiped me out. Tuesday I started to get sick and by Wednesday I had a fever, went home sick and slept ALL DAY LONG. Today I don't have a fever but still didn't want to teach the kiddies just in case. I mean, I sound like a man, and I'm coughing and coughing and coughing, my throat is on fire!, so would you really want me around your child? I think not. On a more personal level I have a fever rash. I'm not sure if you're supposed to grow out of this stage or not, it seems rather childish to me to have all these red dots on my chest, but, it's one way for me to say I'M SICK! Only, I'm not going to pull up my shirt to show you, you'll just have to believe me.
This semester I've added four new students to my schedule which doesn't sound like a lot at first but it pulls me up to 20 students in only three days of teaching. I'm still working around 30 hours at Ellis as well as singing at EWTN. Oh and if that wasn't busy enough, my boss at Ellis put me in charge of managing the website... I don't know anything about websites. I know how to get stuff done. I don't know anything about websites... All of this is to say that I'm busy and it really caught up to me this week when I got sick. Nothing is more frustrating than having to cancel lessons when you're sick. You don't feel good and on top of it your perfect schedule of no make up lessons is ruined. Not that it's that difficult to make up lessons, but when four students have taken up all the holes in your schedule it's hard to find places for them. I mean.. who wants to make up a lesson at 7:30 or 8pm on a Tuesday night? Not many elementary students. Enough complaining. The time off from teaching has given me hours of sleep which will hopefully aid in the recovery.
The good part of being sick is that we ate Moe's today. Lauren I do confess I Moe-cheated on you, we'll make up later this next week ok? It's so good to eat some comfort food when you don't feel good. And by we, I mean, my husband and me because he's sick too. lol.. everyone in the Black family is sick, minus the dogs.

Jaime and I watched a movie last night called Stranger than Fiction that brought up a lot of questions about death. If you haven't seen this movie it might be worth seeing, or maybe it's just that I really enjoyed it and everyone else would think it's lame, wouldn't be the first time! This man, Harold Crick, is having his life narrated by a woman writer who is famed by killing off her characters. He finds out about half way through the movie that he is going to die and freaks out, understandably. After seeing this movie I thought a lot about what it would be like to know that you are going to die when it occurred to me that.. duh.. we're all dying. We're all going to die someday. Dustin Hoffman's character brings up that idea. He tells Harold that he's going to die somehow, either in his sleep, of old age, being hit by a car, who knows. I thought that the movie was really well done and the ending of it was very sentimental. Harold Crick goes straight to his death the way that the author, Emma Thompson, had written he would die only she changed the ending so that he wouldn't die, just be seriously injured. She later explained to Dustin Hoffman that someone who would willingly go to their death knowing that they are going to die, well, that's someone you'd want to keep around isn't it? The most interesting part of the movie, to me, was that when Harold knew he was going to die he started to live his life to the fullest. It made me wonder why people don't do that more often since, well, we're all dying.. technically.

I obviously don't have my thoughts all organized tonight :) I basically just summarized a movie plot and said how cool I thought it was. So, thanks for your patience!

So what are we doing with our lives? What am I doing with my life? This is mostly a question pointed at work, nothing deeper :) I mentioned a while back that I eventually want to move to a full time teaching studio. It's such a delicate balance between working my day job and teaching. I can keep up my current schedule for this semester, but I can't keep it up full time! Somethings got to give. Not that I don't mind working 10-14 hour days, I mean, who doesn't like that?!
Oh and on top of that.. (this entry is all about complaining by the way) I've decided to start training for a half marathon. Not that it's really a big deal.. well.. I kinda doubt that I'll be able to complete the whole thing, but I desperately need a schedule with my running or it will just stay the same which is very very boring. So.. working around 50 hours a week plus running four days a week? Emily, I'm very very excited about running with you, don't get me wrong, but right now, in my fever rash craziness I'm a little freaked out :) And for those of you who are worrying about my Moe's eating fascination combined with running... don't you worry about a thing. I had my veggies tonight.

I'm ready for a vacation already. Luckily for me I have two destination weddings to go to this year. Destination meaning.. I've never been there before and it's a destination for me! The first in Kansas for Lynnora!!! College roomie!! I've never been to Kansas and I can't wait! It's amazing to think that by the time she gets married I'll have been married for nearly 3 years.. she had emailed me recently about 'advice' and I thought.. gosh, have I been married that long? It seems like yesterday that we were all in South Carolina... oh reminicing! The second destinataion wedding is going to be in Arizona! My imaginary friend Rennai is getting married and I'm so very very excited to be going to her wedding. Not only going, but wearing the lovely color Grape as a bridesmaid. How exciting to think that the first time we'll actually meet in person will be at her wedding?! What if I'm a man? Rennai, did you ever think of that? We shall see.... we shall see... Right now I think I'll focus on finding some chocolate to eat which I know will make my sickness go away.


  1. I understand! I'm not worried about the first couple weeks, but the thought that I'm gonna be running 13 miles in April freaks me the crap out. I'm just trying to act like I'm not freakd. :)

    Oh... and I love the part where you say you could be a man. So, I'm marking this as funny for that reason, not because your complaints are funny!

  2. Are you a man? If so, just admit it. We will still love you. I think.
