Tuesday, June 1, 2010

As I promised my mother and I have started a food blog about Michael Pollan's rules in his In Defense of Food book. I'm looking at it as a variation on Clean Eating because that's basically what it is and it's way easier to type Clean Eating than it is that whole Michael Pollan blah blah in defense of food blah blah blah. You should check it out. We'll be posting our progress and recipes that we've tried so be patient as we fill it up with lots of good information :)

It's called MotherDaughterEatWell.blogspot.com

Go to it here.

Oh my.. you know it's late (even if it's only 9pm) when Charles Ives comes on your iTunes singing They are There..

And I made more cookies :) They are under my MP list of foods I can eat. AND! My amazing and wonderful aunt in Indiana mailed me my quilt back all quilted perfectly and beautifully. What a treat it is to see what she does to my creations. Well.. she makes them way better that's for sure. I'm SO thankful for her. I can't wait for Lynnora to see it :)

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