Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tonight Jaime and I walked around our Townhouse complex. Twice. It's usually next to impossible to get him to go on a walk with me but tonight after a small amount of nagging he gave in. I had planned on taking the dogs on a long walk Wednesday but that's when we had that small flood. They were restless from being cooped up all week long and were making not so nice barking noises at each other. You know the sounds, when the fun frolic baking turns into something more carnal.. a little bit more like, I'm going to rip your insides out.
I'm typing this while sitting on the couch. Jaime's playing Final Fantasy 13 and both the dogs are fast fast asleep. So I guess the walk worked for all of us. I had fast food today and was feeling the urge to get out and be active and now that I have done so I feel complete and content. I don't have to ask Jaime to know that he's happy having me down here with him while he plays FF. I'm sorry that girl character is annoying, she really does sound pretty ditsy. "I hope she runs off a cliff" Me too, Jaime, me too.

The veggies are doing well with the exception of my swiss chard. I think mine is dying. The greens we're growing are really taking off. Jaime's convinced me to water them more often and in more quantity so I think that's what's done it. He's almost always right.
I finished the quilt top I'm making for my friend's wedding and all I have to do is the boarder. I sewed together part of what I thought would make a great boarder only to have it look very distracting when put up next to the quilt. Jaime said it looked like a circus tent. I take it that's not a positive. So now I'm back to the drawing board. And I thought I had done all the difficult work! I do have a few ideas up my sleeves that I'm going to test out.

My big toenail on my left foot stopped growing recently. I don't know what that's all about but I'm really weirded out about it. I mean, why would your toe nail stop growing? So I googled it and the only thing that came up was an ingrown toenail. It's not ingrown but the cuticle is missing and it almost looks like it is growing in the wrong direction. Weird!

I wonder if people enjoy walks as much as I do. Something about being out in the open air, using your body, doing something so simple but so healthy. I mean, it's not like running or eating a whole bunch of spinach or something, but it's just so basic. I love that. I love how basic is it. It's so simple and it makes me so happy. Jaime asked me, do you really love it that much? Yes, I love it that much. I would do it every night if I could. Especially if it stays in the 60's at night like it is right now.

Well the plants go out tomorrow morning, I can't wait to see how they do in the sunlight. I've been hardening them off all week (except the day of the FLOOD lulz) so tomorrow will be good for them. Friday. Tomorrow is Friday and it's just like my Monday. Nothing like a 12 hour day to finish off your week for you eh? It's a good thing I love what I do. I'd better get to bed, I've got mass in the morning, music store after that, and then teaching until 6pm.

1 comment:

  1. So glad the veggies are doing well. And I understand about the walking. It does make you feel good. BTW, I know runners sometimes have their toenails actually fall off (like marathon runners at least). Been running a ton? Might explain your problem.
