Thursday, December 10, 2009

Our Calorie Count Holiday Gift Exchange happened this week and due to the fact that we are spread out among the entirety of the United States (and Canada!) we opened our gifts throughout the week. Originally the deadline was to open on Monday but then some of us (me included) decided to mail cookies with their gifts which had to be opened earlier - so no one would have stale cookies. Then a huge storm hit the mid-west which delayed several packages.. needless to say it was quite the week.

I was surprised today by a package from one of my best imaginary friends, Rennai. And yes Rennai it was interesting packaging to say the least ;) My Holiday Gift Exchange Gift was the best ever! She always goes above and beyond what she should and her gift was so thoughtful. One of her friends in Arizona has a small company called Whippy Cake where she makes all sorts of cute things. I got two headbands and two chokers. I absolutely adore them! I had been telling Rennai how much I liked those for a long time now and even became a fan of Whippy Cake on Facebook (and I'm not a fan of much on Facebook). I can't believe that I not only have one set but two!! Plus, I tried the headbands on and they look sooo good :) The thin wire that they're made of really disappear in your hair :) I can't stop smiling.

The second thing that was in my package is almost beyond describing. I don't know what to say except that I am absolutely floored by it, by how well it's done and by her thoughtfulness in creating something like that for me. I think her uncle did it... correct me if I'm wrong Rennai. What else is there to say except that this is one of the sweetest presents I've ever received and that I am so so thankful. Rennai took her favorite picture of Jaime and I on our wedding day and had her uncle do a sketch of it for us. I'm taking it to get it framed this weekend. Griffeth Art Gallery, for those of you in the Bham area, are amazing and have framed all of our artwork. They are going to really make this piece shine.

I've never had someone sketch or paint a picture of me before, that is if you don't count the time I was at Opery Land when I was 6 or 7 and got one of those caricatures done. Thank you so much Rennai I absolutely love it, you have given me one of the best gifts ever. And no, it wasn't selfish of you to do the picture that was your favorite because it's one of mine too. Plus it's not too far off from the original don't you think? Thank you thank you thank you!


  1. That is seriously awesome. What a unique and special gift. The sketch is beautiful. It probably helps that you were the muse :) You need to take a picture of the headbands on. I need to see!

  2. Hey Carrie! Thanks so much for coming to guild with me today. It was so nice to meet you in person! By the way, I realize you follow The Pipkin House blog - I should have introduced you to her, too! I pointed her (Lisa Allen) out to you= she had on a red turtleneck sweater and I told you she uses a Featherweight. Anyway, it was a fun morning!
