Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Our Puppies!

It's been long over due for two things. First for me to post pictures on this blog, and second for the dogs to have hair cuts. Can you believe that Huxley had his first hair cut at 10 weeks and now he's 7 months? That's a long time to not have your hair cut. Just to compare I took some before and after photos (I love my dogs that much). I felt the worst for Churchill because he could hardly see through the hair covering his eyes. I have a feeling that if I were a dog and I couldn't see because of the hair covering my eyes then I would be a clumsy dog, and he was. Now that they are all shaved it's like living with two rockets! They are so much faster! (because they know where they're going)

It's amazing how much they resemble some sort of shag carpet when their hair gets long. Huxley just looks like a teddy bear. Well not anymore fellas. When I got home from work on Saturday I couldn't believe that he was the same dog. Churchill, we've had him groomed many times so I knew what to expect, but Huxley? I've never seen him cut as a full sized dog, just a baby puppy. And my how adorable he is! So noble!And when his beard is brushed and laying flat he has stripes :) We're still a bit confused about the color of our dogs. They are both technically Salt and Pepper.. but Churchill looks way too light for that and Huxley is looking way too dark. On to more pictures! Churchill, the best thing about him are his expressive eyes, sweet almond eyes. His eyes are smart and knowing and aware. He really is a wonderful dog. His eyes are so big that he almost looks like a mouse in this picture, cute pink ears and all. He also looks like he's smiling. Oh and I spy a Sperry in this picture :) Love those shoes.
Super excited about our puppies and very excited to be taking them to see all grand parents over the Thanksgiving week/end. First Jaime's family and then my family. They will love the new hair cut and the dogs will love the freedom. You can run as free as you want in Nauvoo (yes that's a real place) and I hear my parents house has a fenced in back yard. They don't even know how exciting that will be :)
In other dog news (while we're at it). People say not to feed your dog chocolate, especially if they are a purebred dog. Somehow it didn't occur to me that Churchill would be tempted by the bowl of Hershey's Kisses when Jaime and I went out shopping. He's usually such a good dog, I mean, he isn't crated, he sleeps all day. Except the day that I leave out the Kisses. They say not to give your dog chocolate because it could kill them. Imagine all the caffeine in chocolate? Dog's can't handle that. (Actually once Churchill ate coffee grounds and was awake for about 24 hours straight.. jumping in and out of the tub, but that was years ago) I'll tell you the real reason you shouldn't feed your dog chocolate.

The real reason is that your dog will have the most gosh awful flatulence that you've ever experienced in your life. No joke. Churchill has been a poot factory for the past two days and it's almost unbearable being around him. Not only this, but if you feed your dog chocolate (and he doesn't know how to unwrap all the kisses.. he did unwrap about five of them and left the wrapping on the floor for me to pick up, but let's say he doesn't unwrap all of them) you will be left with a dog that poos all night long in your bedroom. Usually when there is an accident we blame Huxley. He's a puppy for Heaven's sake, sometimes he forgets! But this time when I went on clean-up duty... I saw... PLENTY of little bits of silver foil. What's wrapped in silver foil? Hershey's Kisses.
I know what you're thinking. Especially those of you without pets or small children. You're thinking, omg please shut up about your dogs. Please don't talk about their poots or their bowel movements. No one cares. But this is what happens when you have dogs, this is what happens, I guess, when you have children. And I'm sorry :) But I love my puppies and I happen to think it's really funny when they do things like eat Hershey's Kisses and then have sparkly poo. The End.

1 comment:

  1. You're babies are so pretty. My Sophie is half schnauzer, half poodle. But we've always thought she got more schnauzer than poodle. Thanks for sharing the pics.
