Monday, January 11, 2010

I have much more to speak on today than just these few things but my experimental casserole is in the oven and doesn't have much more time left. It's only experimental because I added chicken and threw out a can of cream of mushroom for cream of chicken and I left out the onion, but I'm pretty sure that when Jaime reads this he'll love me for it. (he hates onions!)

Today I received my CD's from my blogger friend Sea Legs Girl! I can't wait to put them in and listen to them. The most amazing part about it is that one of the songs is Africa which I must tell you, Sea Lets, and the rest of you readers that it was on my wedding CD that we passed out. I love love love that song. And since I was super sheltered growing up (no offense Mom and Dad, NPR is still one of my favorite radio station) I never knew who Toto was until I met my husband. I feel a kindred spirit all the way out in Denmark. Thanks so much Sea Legs!

Teaching started today and I had 100% attendance. I've also been working things out in my head about work and I'll let you in on a little secret, I'm thinking about adding more students. We'll see how that works out, I have to get my ducks in a row first or I'll be working too much, and I get cranky when I work too much.

Thirdly, while I was driving home from teaching I was on Shades Crest Road, the part that goes through the Hoover side of town, Bluff Park? I had the strangest feeling that this road felt more like home to me than anything ever had in Birmingham. Eight years I've been here and finally this road made me feel like I was in Anderson. And it was a good feeling, I can tell you that. It's like all the pieces of a puzzle are coming together and making sense and I love it.

Oh and I guess I should mention that I'm going to Moe's on Wednesday with Lauren and I'm so excited and overwhelmed and even though we just had coffee together last night, Lauren, there is so much more to talk about already! Plus, I'll give a shout out to my friend who I know reads this blog, your facebook status had me laughing and laughing. I could have totally misread it but I hope it meant what I think it means. You are wonderful.

Oh, one more thing!! Quilting - I did a pinwheel block and my are those 45 degree triangles hard to cut out. Anyone who has done this please give me any insight you might have. I bought something to help me cut it with my rotary cutter but without a bigger plan it looks like it would take more time to cut it out than to sew it.. which is true with most quilting but for serious, this is crazy. I should get major props though because I made the one block by cutting out pieces with a paper-whats-it-called-tracing-thingy. I'm very unprofessional, you can tell. Template, that's it! I cut one out of paper and used it. And then I went and bought one of the hard plastic thingy's but it's in a diamond shape, I figured I could use it for several other things but I have a feeling the pinwheel quilt will take me YEARS to finish.

Oh the downside Huxley had major surgeries, fixing and dew claws, and since he's my dog and I'm responsible it comes out of my spending.. yes we have allowances, you've never read my blog before? So I'm too poor to do much of anything, minimal expenses and necessities like sewing products and Moes. Duh. I have a few things sewing wise, a secret project to work on, and I have to pick up a few more items and I can't wait for my allowance to be... full. That's all for now :)


  1. Sorry about Huxley's dew claw. Sophie had hers removed when she was like 3 days old, thank goodness. Di you go to guild yesterday? I didn't.

  2. I couldn't make it either. I'm back to working full time. I am trying to be persistent in my quilting despite the absence! You are so lucky that Sophie had her's out early, for some reason he didn't. His poor little paws!

  3. Oh, Carrie. I am glad to see the cds got your preapproval because of Africa. What a GREAT choice for a wedding cd song. I hope you enjoy at least some of the other music, too. I also hope the caserole didn't burn. But with cream of mushroom soup, it would probably even be good burned.
