Monday, September 28, 2009

My husband reminded me this morning that not only have I spent a whole week without updating you on our lives, but that "most people don't want to read about your grocery list anyway". Too bad. I'll get on to the groceries later this evening, and how I overspent by $10. I was bad I know... but dog food... paper towels.. these things cost money. I suppose I took so long in writing again because I have yet to download all the pictures from my camera to my computer. You'd think there would be an easier way considering how hi-tech we've gotten. Here I am complaining about get pictures from my DIGITAL camera onto my computer. It really takes only a few minutes but I'm a procrastinator.

So verbally, I'll update you on our lives. I now have around 6 little baby tomatoes, one of which was eaten by a worm. I picked the worm off but he had already done his damage. I'm glad that it wasn't on one of the big ones. I cleaned out our 'garden'. Really I just pulled some weeds, trimmed some bushes, and swept up. I felt much better about life after that. Something about getting your hands dirty and just being outside makes me feel complete. I'm glad that I have the ability to get my hands dirty now :) Oh and my husband found a concrete head, like part of a statue, only.. it's just the head. I have to admit it's rather creepy, but there is something so odd about it that I love. He's now in my 'garden' My garden of monkey grass and dirt.

Our running lives have been ridiculously slow lately since teaching has started back up. I love teaching these sweet little children but they make running difficult! All the sudden all my time is gone! So I've decided to be better and more proactive and just wake up earlier to get it in. My husband, the night owl, will work out his own schedule. This morning it made enough time to get in four lazy slow miles. I'm not exaggerating at all. Half marathons don't run themselves, and that's my end goal so I need to step it up. Literally.

I'm also working on a new quilting project. I know at least one person who knows what this is for. It's not due until May 2010 if that gives you any hints ;) Well I went to Joanns and picked out all the fabric, or most of the fabric, yesterday. I had so much fun but I was also feeling so much stress! I want things to be perfect and holy moses is it hard to match five different fabrics? I kept thinking... no no, this red should have more orange in it. Where is the orangey-red? Also on my agenda is a baby baptism gown. Anyone know who that is for? I have to get a pattern for that because you can't just eyeball little things like that, or at least I can't!

I also have pictures to upload, I might add them to this post, but I'll probably add them to another post. You know how that goes :)

One more thing! Huxley can now jump up onto the couch without us asking him. He used to just look at us with those stupid dumb little innocent eyes until we picked him up. I was also told this morning, post run, that he jumped up into the bed three times this morning. He made use of the cedar chest at the bottom of the bed, kinda like stepping stones. This also tells me that Huxley got off the bed three times while I was running. Being able to get on and off the bed must be a luxury for him.


  1. I totally love reading about your grocery lists! BTW, you need to go to Costco for your dogfood and paper towels :)

    Ummm who is this quilting project for??? Am I missing something?

  2. I know who the quilt and gown are for :) Can't wait to see pictures of both someday. You are so creative. I love it.
